Monday, October 17, 2011

2011 Wild Western Festival

Hey everyone!
So once again I was off on a new adventure! This weekend I got to go back and embrace America's western heritage.

This guy did a show with whips

He had lots of charisma and was awesome!

When I had a chance to take a break I walked around for a bit and took some pictures or I did my homework and studied for my Pharmacy Tech class. Friday and saturday were busy days, but I couldn't believe how busy
Sunday was!

So here is what I got to do on my breaks. Ofcourse I didn't do this, but it would have been fun! It brought back many memories to me when I was a little kid.

$5 to ride a pony

I think it would have been fun to drive this!
 I would get so hungry during the day. I could smell the food from the other side of the park! So there was BBQ, Philly's, Elk and Buffalo Burgers, Indian Fry Bread,  Kettle Corn, Snow cones and plenty of other great stuff!

 I was very happy to see the chocolate covered cheesecake stand! To me it means Christmas is almost here! I alway get one of these at Glendale Glitter's. I'll be working there opening night. Hope to see you there!

These looked really good, but I ended up having indian fry bread, pumkin bread, a green chili burger, a buffalo burger, sweet tea, root beer, and a sub over the weekend while I worked. Yes, I know it's a lot of food. Such a great expirence none the less! I'll have to go on a diet and start running an extra few miles.

The best part of every event that I go to are the vendors that I work with! I always enjoy myself making new friends and learning new things. I even had an oppertunity to work with Javan Baker and had a great time.

    Its hard to sell candy such as peanut brittle and a dentist office has a booth set up across from you. Ariel was very nice and pretty cool talking to. She would give kids stickers, coloring packets, and you could brush the horse's teeth with the giant toothbrush.

She made the pumkin bread.

    Oh ya! I almost forgot about javan! He was on the north side of town working at an event called Run With the Bulls. Yes, he did run with them as our mascot representing Tutor Doctor.

Easy target for the bull.
Could I have done something like this? I don't think so. It really would push the limits for me being a daredevil. This weekend was sure to be one that I'll remember. At the end of the day its so nice to get to the car knowing I'm going home.


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