During Youth Retreat in March I had a small pain in my knee. I wasn't sure what was wrong and I acted like I was fine. I would limp and it discouraged me because I wanted to be normal not handicap. I didn't know at the time what happened to my knee until 2 months later when I went to the Doctor and explained it to him. After seeing several doctors I was told you got to get surgery before it gets worse. Then being told no running, volleyball or any thing that would put pressure on my knee was hard to take. I didn't know if my day could have got worse. Now just a few weeks later its time to get back to the normal life.

I've been going to the gym every night working hard trying to get back into shape. One goal I have worked on is improving my mile time. When I first started running my mile again. My time was 22 Minutes and 37 Seconds... Wow... that is pretty sad. I know. It gives you an idea how bad I injured my knee and the condition it was in after recovering. I would run and then have to walk or limp because it was so weak. The following weeks I slowly improved and got to the mile time of 9 minutes. I guess that was okay, but it wasn't good enough for me!
I decided on Tuesday night after church I'm going to break my record what ever I got to do. My friend Lily told me not to exercise that I needed to rest. She was probably right, but I had my mind set on the goal. When she found out I was going to run I told her sorry and she understood that I can be stubborn at times. I'm so thankful for my friends who care about my well being. Anyways, back to the story!
It was going to happen tonight! Now is my time is what I told myself and I took off running. I was going to make a new mile time and faster than ever! I ran around the track and each lap I pushed myself a little harder. Not looking at the time as sweat poured down my face like never before. My eyes burned as sweat fell down from my fore head, my breath became short, my legs burned, and I kept telling myself you can do this as I sprinted on.
I had to run this four times to make a mile. |
I ran past the finish line as I passed my fourth lap and hit my stop watch. I slowed down. I was Exhausted. I thought Lily was right I shouldn't be running. Trying to catch my breath and wiping my face with a small towel. I then looked at my stop watch. 7 minutes and 15 Seconds! I was so happy! I forgot about everything and started laughing. I did it! I made a new all time record! Now I'm taking the day off to rest because I really need to before I push myself beyond my limits. I'll go back on Friday to work out.
This quote is so inspiring to me. I was told it would take me a few weeks to several months to get back into my normal routine. I was determined and made a goal for myself. Every time we have a set back. It is for a come back. Set your mind on a goal and stick with it. Don't let anything or anyone discourage you from completing your goals because you can do it! So with that I wish you all the best in achieving your GOALS
P.S. Be sure to check out my friend Lily's blog @:
To my good friend. Thanks for being a great friend to me!